Lemon & Mango

6"X6" Oil on panel

I think that this is my 500th post. It is a little difficult to figure out, because I have missed a few days and my first post on Blogger was actually a composite of several days that I had posted on my other blog before I decided to separate them. I can't go by the number of pictures either because I have occasionally posted more than one picture per post.

I had an urge to do something uncomplicated today. There is a reason why fruit and vegetables are such popular subjects for daily painters, they are probably the least complicated things to paint. That is not to say that everyone paints them well, but the combination of simplicity and popularity (almost all the daily paintings I have sold have been fruit or vegetables) is very hard to resist.

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  1. Nice still life. I like the way the soup ladle fits in the composition.

  2. Congratulations if this is your 500th post! Thats some doing! I feel the same sometimes wanting to paint something a little less complicated. I would probably still find something tricky about fruit!

  3. Beautiful, really like this.


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